Friday, August 17, 2018

Being Intentional

Today was my first official day back at work. It started with a half a day motivational speaker. I must say he was one of the best speakers I've heard in awhile. Isn't it great when their message just speaks to you? I only wish I could remember more accurately what they exactly said so that I can relay the message. I may not remember the exact words, but I certainly remember the feeling I had throughout the presentation and truthfully the rest of the day. My main take-away was to have your "one word". The one word that defines you, that motivates you, and that sometimes carries you. Do you know your "one word"? I'm pretty sure I know my "one word", but I tend to second guess myself. Maybe my one word should be confidence? I keep coming back to a different word though. Maybe my one word should be decisive? I'm thinking though I should just pick the one I keep coming back to and if I feel stronger about another word later, then I can transition to it. New year new word. 

So, what is the one word that I kept coming back to? 


I figure if I use it as an adverb, I can intentionally do anything, which opens up the possibilities of how I can apply to word to any aspect of life; personal or professional.

I mentioned earlier that it had been a while since I've gotten to hear a great speaker. That's not exactly true. I was asked to attend a 3-day leadership workshop in order to be a trained mentor. The two presenters that put on that leadership workshop were pretty great too!  Overall, I'm very thankful for the training opportunities I've gotten to be a part of this summer. Someday I hope to be able to  pass on the information and help others as I've been helped. I plan to be intentional about implementing at least 3 of the strategies that I learned this past summer. 

On the heels of these great trainings, I was intentional about getting myself organized as to all the information that I wanted to provide to my mentee. Sometimes I get lost in all the information that I think I need to cover with mentees. Now, I must also say that at the leadership conference I learned that the mentor/mentee relationship isn't really supposed to be about giving all of the information and having all of the answers (but that topic can be for another day). So, I put together a packet of information of mentor/mentee expectations, beginning of the year resources, and handy forms that I use as I start of each school year. I hope it can be helpful to others as well. Click here for more information.

SLP Mentor Information and Beginning of the Year Resources

Or visit my store for other resources that I have utilized the most.

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