Thursday, September 12, 2019


I cannot get enough of wind up toys. There are so many ways to use them and there are lots of posts with lists of how to use them in various ways during speech therapy. This isn't one of them though. This is just my excitement that I've been getting to use them along with a recent product addition of mine. Click here for the link.

Comparative and Superlative Adjectives and Adverbs

Today we went through practicing these words in a structured manner and then toward the end of the session we got out the wind-up toys and were able to practice these patterns as we compared two describing which one was faster or slower. Then we were able to pick out 3 wind up toys and begin describing which one was fast, faster and the fastest. We could also order them in the opposite direction for slow, slower and slowest. Having races between different sets of wind up toys never gets old. There's always a new variable to throw in and compare. Kids are practicing this language structure and they don't even realize it though all the laughter. Join in! It's a great time!

Check out my other resources as well at my TPT store!

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