Saturday, October 12, 2019

Have Games Will Travel

October 12, 2019

Do you serve more than one building? Do you serve more than one district? Do you ever feel like no matter how much time you take planning that you always get to the next spot with not quite everything you needed? For me, it's "Yes", "Yes", and "on a daily basis". 

I go through phases where I am all about data collection, or all about embedding skills into activities,  or interactive notebooks, or novel things to keep the kid's attention. We are almost 9 weeks into this school year and I'm really trying to get more practice repetitions in with less "stuff". I don't want the kids to fall out of their chairs of boredom as we drill practice a target sound, but I also need them to get as many practice opportunities in as possible. I, too, don't want to fall out of my chair in boredom. I need variety and efficiency but with less stuff. 

I decided to put together my favorite generic games that I've played through the years in one set of mats that kids can choose from and no matter what I know that they will get a lot of practice opportunities in. Once you laminate the set of game boards, you really only need a single die, a dry erase marker and 2 colors of dry erase markers and you're set. 

This product contains 9 different game board games that you can play with any deck of articulation cards. It also contains 4 more general games ideas that you can play with any artic deck. Your students won't even realize they are practicing the same set of articulation words to get in the maximum number of practice repetitions. Games include; tug of war, the dice game, connect 4 blackout and more.

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Saturday, October 5, 2019

Sometimes simple is just what you need.

Sometimes simple is just what you need. And at this point in my workday, this is what I need. I have a new para that I've been training and a large number of referrals that I need to start on. Game boards are always a good way to guide practice in a fun way that can also yield a high number of productions.

It's also my favorite time of year with all the seasonal/holiday-themed activities. Students may be working on the same thing, but with a new theme in the background, it appears new to them. Win-win!
I added each theme separately to my TPT store in case someone wants to try out just one theme, but I also combined them into a Holiday Bundle as Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas is fast approaching.

Holiday Articulation Game Boards

Coming soon is a set of different games that can be played with any set of artic cards. Can you tell I have A LOT of kids with articulation goals this year?

BTW: A challenge always motivates me!!! I love them! Thank you to Jennifer at Sell on TPT for all of the information and fun challenges!

I love a good find!!!

November 7, 2019 Recently, I was at a local Dollar General Store just looking. I had a little bit of downtime in between two home visits...